I didn't have any issue with Origins or 2 but this is killing the game for me. The camera movement on the mouse has no sensitivity options(only keyboard) You can't run holding both mouse buttons like other Bioware games No click to move or click to loot like previous DA games The cursor is tiny and blends in with everything making it easy to lose on battles. Tactical view is way too zoomed in and makes it harder to use and clunky. Having to hold down R to basic attack sucks Can't rebind mouse buttons No walking, you can only run I'm only 2 hours in and I'm getting really bummed out thinking of having to fight these terrible controls for 90 hours.why couldn't they leave it as it was in the other games? Yesterday I was kinda going back and forth between controller and keyboard / mouse trying to figure out which one felt better on pc. Eventually I decided on the controller mainly cause the game feels more streamlined for controller support.